Dragon Quest 8

Dragon Quest 8

“Cor blimey!”

– Yangus, Dragon Quest VIII

How To Slay Every Metal Slime Type | Dragon Quest 8

Taking down strange metallic opponents has been a mainstay of the Dragon Quest series since its inception. These tricky little beasts are characterised by their willingness to flee, fling very basic spells at you, taking little to no damage from most of your attacks and, of course, offering massive amounts of experience for their defeat.…

Weapon Type Tier List | Dragon Quest 8

Having previously determined the weapons that we deem to be best for each character, we’re now turning our hands to the entire roster available and considering them as a whole. Choices here can cause your characters to differ wildly, and with no way to change or refund your points, it’s best to make sure you…

The 4 Best Party Members | Dragon Quest 8

Picking the four best party members in a game that originally had only four choices, might immediately sound like a fool’s errand. However, the advent of the vastly improved 3DS version of Dragon Quest 8 meant that the possible choices expanded to 6, leaving the player with a meaningful choice when it comes to selection.…

Character Tier List | Dragon Quest 8

Creating a tier list for the characters in DQ8 probably seems like a bit of a futile endeavour, after all the base version of the game only has 4 characters available for the party, which has 4 slots in it. Still, the 3DS version added 2 further choices that heavily influence these things, and we…

Key Early Alchemy Recipes | Dragon Quest 8

Taking advantage of the Alchemy system is absolutely key to ensuring success in a Dragon Quest game. Technically speaking, most story sections can be completed without approaching the magical mixing pot, but we’d argue that you’re doing yourself a disservice to completely ignore it. The early game in particular benefits from significant time investment into…

Ultimate Builds For Every Character | Dragon Quest 8

Having already detailed recommended builds for each individual character in Dragon Quest 8, we’ve decided to put together one single article that singles out those that we feel are the ‘ultimate’ build for each of them. This is going to be subjective of course, and pretty much every build can be used to some degree…

Powerful Team Build Variations | Dragon Quest 8

Writing about the possible build variations in Dragon Quest 8 might initially seem like an unusual prospect. In both versions of the game there are four main characters for the majority of it, and only four party slots available in which to place them. Dig a little deeper however, and indeed progress in the 3DS…

4 Ideal Gold Farming Locations | Dragon Quest 8

Gathering a reasonable amount of gold is a point of consternation in almost every Dragon Quest game. New locations regularly reveal themself as the stories progress, and they’ll almost always come with a bumper selection of new equipment, items and general desirables. Further still, taking advantage of the Alchemy system will likely require a great…

Key Early Loot Farming Locations | Dragon Quest 8

Acquiring copious amounts of loot has always been the secret, sub-game that exists within a Dragon Quest title. Sure, there’s always a big bad that needs to be slain, and in more modern titles there will likely be a few twists and turns in the story, but the truly dedicated player tends to spend their…

Essential Skills For Every Character | Dragon Quest 8

We have, so far at least, written about the characters of Dragon Quest 8 in quite specific reference to their builds or equipment. However, we’d like to take some time to detail some very specific skills that each of them possess, and why we feel that you should prioritise them. It’s very easy to get…

The Best Equipment For Every Character | Dragon Quest 8

Generally speaking, equipment in a Dragon Quest game progresses in a linear fashion. You’ll reach a new town, find shops filled with items that you’d like to have and set out on a mission of gold gathering before purchasing the items that you need. This repeats itself quite a few times throughout any title in…

The Best Accessories For Every Character | Dragon Quest 8

Having already determined the best character builds in Dragon Quest 8, we’re now turning our attention to their Accessories. These are singular pieces of equipment that are designed to compliment the capabilities of each character, and they’re often used to simply build upon the strengths already inherent in each. This being a JRPG however, things…


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Dragon Quest 8

Dragon Quest 8

  • Platform: Playstation 2 & Nintendo 3DS
  • Release Date: November 27th, 2004
  • Genre: JRPG
  • Developer: Level-5 / Square Enix
  • Author’s Experience: 1,156 Hours